Salary is an indicator

Salary is an indicator

Nov 17, 2021
Behavioral Economics
“Don't work just for the money” is probably one of the most favorite phrases that employers like to say. You should have passion and interest in your work, think long-term, and have a broad perspective.
It's true that if you only work for money, you may not earn a lot. Money is a strange thing; the more you want it, the harder it is to get. This is because you focus on money and ignore the other benefits that work can bring you, such as invaluable social networks, industry knowledge, and so on.
Of course, you have true freedom when you don't have to work for someone else and don't have to go to work. You can do what you love, create value for society, and earn the rewards you deserve. That's the best.
For various reasons, not everyone can succeed in starting a business or making investments, as there are great risks involved. If you are the breadwinner of your family, you may not be able to accept this risk. In such cases, you can transfer the risk to your employer by accepting a job that naturally bears lower risk. Job opportunities are generally considered low-risk because you can still receive your salary at the end of the month, regardless of whether the business is profitable or not.
Therefore, if you choose to work, don't be afraid to talk about money.
Chinese people have a culture of not liking to discuss money. They think that talking about money lowers their status and gives people a shallow feeling. In fact, for me, money is just an indicator, a signal. It can represent value.
For example, now there are two jobs. One pays you $100,000, but the employer's attitude is average, and you feel that they are not sincere in hiring you. The other pays you $80,000, but the employer has a warm attitude and treats you like the king. Which one would you choose? It's hard to choose, right? Choosing $100,000 makes you look like a mercenary. Choosing $80,000 makes you feel mistreated.
Let me give you a simple analogy.
Now there are two girls who like you. One is very beautiful, and the other is average-looking but very proactive in treating you well. Which one would you choose? Choose the beautiful one. Not because you are greedy for beauty. It's because many people pursue beautiful women, and she has many choices. In this case, she still chose you, which is a significant opportunity cost. She is sincere to you. The average-looking one may only have you as an option, so she will naturally treat you well.
Do so you get the point? A job that can offer a salary of $100,000 itself proves the value of this job in the market. Among the numerous applicants, the employer chose you. The job that pays $80,000 may have only been applied to by you.
So I agree that we should not just work for money. But money is a signal that indicates how your employer values you.

Original Post in Chinese

但因為種種原因,不是每個人都可以創業成功,投資獲利。箇中涉及很大的風險。如果你是家庭支柱, 多數不能接受這個風險。 這是你隻能把風險轉嫁給僱主,而你接受這個低風險的工作機會。 工作機會之所以算是低風險,是因為無論業務賺錢還是蝕錢,你仍然可以在月底領取工資。
比方說現在有兩份工作,一份給你工資十萬,僱主態度一般,你覺得沒有誠意僱你。另一份給你八萬,但僱主態度熱誠,有如劉備三顧草廬,視你如諸葛孔明。你會怎麼選? 很難選吧。選十萬,覺得你很市儈。選八萬,又覺得心裡虧了點。