While reading, I noticed on one hand, the author seems to defend governmental actions. Stories about gambling issues, political formalism, and small-scale bribery, which might sound absurd in a modern society, are presented as somewhat justifiable. On the other hand, the author rightly points out the immense challenges of governing a vast country like China, with its diverse backgrounds, economic statuses, and numerous nuances. The book illustrates the difficulties local governments face, suggesting that while these officials strive to serve the people, there remains room for improvement. People might not be entirely satisfied with everything, yet, under the Chinese government's leadership, many goals have indeed been accomplished.
This book also provoked deeper thoughts in me. Although managing a corporate team doesn't compare to governing China, the stories and insights from the book are educational. For instance, it extensively discusses the poverty alleviation program—a priority for the central government that requires coordinated efforts from various departments, something mirrored in corporate settings. Identifying genuinely needy individuals poses another challenge, as there's a tendency for people to misrepresent their situation to benefit from programs, akin to free-riding in a team. As a manager, it's crucial to identify such behaviors and consider motivational strategies to encourage genuine contribution over exploiting systems.
The book also delves into political formalism, explaining its inevitability within a bureaucratic system. While bureaucracy has benefits, it fosters a focus on tasks assigned by superiors rather than grassroots needs, sometimes leading to a disconnect from the local populace.
I've heard it said that it's easy to comment on politics but hard to be a politician, reflecting the ease of criticism versus the complexity of governance. The book explores the contrast between realists and idealists, encouraging a pragmatic perspective before passing premature judgments on policy.
Overall, I appreciate the book's narrative style. It not only shares numerous insider stories but also offers insightful commentary. The author consistently explains why and how these stories unfold within a larger context. Indeed, there's no simple or ideal way to govern; it requires meticulous care, attention to detail, and adaptive strategies tailored to different scenarios. What might seem outdated in a first-tier city could be optimal for a remote, underdeveloped region.